
Hello Readers, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

I am Olivia Rakowski –  21 years young.

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I am currently a senior at the University of South Florida majoring in Advertising with a certificate in Visualization and Design. Over the years I have been trying to find my niche between Advertising, Social Media, Videography and Blogging. Eventually I began figuring out that I am capable of organizing all of my adventures, interests and hobbies into a fun blog for all of you to enjoy!

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This here is my amazing boyfriend, Aaron. He is often the facilitator of many adventures and a huge part of my life throughout the past year. We traveled to Europe together during summer 2017 and cant wait to share our experiences with you all! You will be seeing a lot of him either throughout my blog or on my social media accounts (@rovingolivia), so I figured I’d introduce him here.

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Last important thing to know about me: I was born and bred in Chicago – Southside! I moved to Florida when I was 18 and I definitely miss living in a big city, but it’s now my favorite city to visit.

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My blog is about Travel, Lifestyle and most importantly FUN. So if you are looking for suggestions or just want a peek into my life – follow along and share with your friends!

Thank you for your support and I cannot wait to see where my blog will go from here.

~Roving Olivia